
“Ode to the Only Black Kid in the Class”

This animated interpretation of Clint Smith‘s poem “Ode to the Only Black Kid in the Class” shows a powerful message of what it is like to be the only African-American in a white institution. This poem is part of a series called There’s a Poem for That, which features animated interpretations of poems both old and new that give language to some of life’s most trying feelings.

Although it may be tough being the only black student in class, take time to teach your children how strong they are and can be. Teach your children how to embrace their differences and not be ashamed of who they are and where they come from.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of A Second Chance, Inc.

2 thoughts on ““Ode to the Only Black Kid in the Class”

  • I was listening to Terri Gross today. I was so moved by Clint Smith. He read his poem, “Ode to the Only Black Kid in the Class”.
    I am a white Retired Kindergarten Teacher that taught in an all black NYC. Elementary School.
    I recently participated in an 8 week zoom course, called “The Anti-Racism Project. Because it was
    given on zoom, we had students from all over the United States. The students were both Black and
    White. It was a transformative experience for me. Though I have two master degrees, I am ashamed
    to admit, that I learned about the Tulsa Massacre for the first time in one of the sessions.

    I would like to send this poem to Rena Piback one of the founders of the course.

    • You’re never too educated to learn! Thank you for continuing to educate yourself and for your allyship.

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