Additional Resources

For information on the impact of trauma on children, visit the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Foster Club, the national network for young people in foster care.

The Center for Autism provides treatment through which it teaches individuals how to communicate and build relationships with significant people in their lives and learn the skills necessary to succeed on their own.

To find out if you qualify for Pennsylvania health and welfare benefits, please review the Compass website for applications and further information, or call 1-800-692-7462.

Such benefits are:

  • Medical assistance
  • CHIP: Health insurance for uninsured children
  • Cash assistance: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Home energy/heating bill assistance (LIHEAP)
  • SNAP (food stamps): Supplemental food program
  • Home- and community-based services
  • Long-term care
  • School meals: Supplemental nutritious programs, WIC, reduced Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) 
  • Early intervention services for developmental delays
  • Substance abuse services
  • Autism services
  • ACTION housing
  • Conciliation agreements

Visit BigBurgh or download the app to locate free services in your respective area of Pittsburgh. Such services include but are not limited to shelter, food, diapers and professional help.

Allegheny County Office of Children, Youth and Families

PA 211 Southwest is a call center that provides telephone, chat, text and web resource for finding health and human services for everyday needs and crisis situations. Call 211 or 1-888-553-5778.

Allegheny County offers a directory of mental health and drug & alcohol services.

Addiction Center: Information for Those Battling Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues Simultaneously

This resource guide (link to PDF in folder) was created by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) and may assist you in finding the support services you require.

The following are additional resource guides developed by Allegheny County DHS:

Food Assistance

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank – Food Assistance Directory   
Online search for a food assistance program by neighborhood, ZIP code or name of program.  

Health Care and Health Insurance  

Resources for Under- and Uninsured 
Allegheny County Health Department   
(For the most current edition, look for the link to the guide on the Health Department’s homepage.)


Allegheny Link Housing Resources

Intellectual Disability/Autism 

OID Fact Sheets  

Mental Health (MH) Concerns and/or Substance Use Disorders (D&A) 

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Resource Guide
Drug and Alcohol Services Guide for Court Personnel
Directory of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service Providers 
Taking Charge of your Child’s Mental Health — A Parent’s Guide 

Group-Related Resource Guides

Disclaimer: Inclusion in these documents is not an endorsement by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services. 

Persons with Disabilities

Community Resources for People with Disabilities
Family Resource Guide  
Resources for children with disabilities.

Immigrants and Refugees 

Publicly-Funded Benefits – Immigrants and Internationals Eligibility Guide  


Caregiver Resource Guide

Free Wifi and computer use at the Carnegie Library

At the library you can access the internet, computers and affordable printing. You can also build technology, language, job and other skills using classes, online programs or one-on-one assistance.

All you need is a library card. Get one here for free.