Habitat for Humanity Gifts Family U.S.’s First 3D-Printed Home
The Stringfield family received the keys to their new 3D-printed home in time for Christmas. The home is Habitat for Humanity’s first 3D-printed home in the nation, according to their news release. Janet…
A Connection to Family: Passing Down Recipes to Your Loved Ones
Eating is one thing all humans do. Family meals have been a symbol throughout the generations of sharing, nurturing and loving one another. Collecting and passing down recipes is an…
Being Kinder to Yourself: An Exercise
Thinking kind thoughts about yourself and showing yourself compassion has psychological and physical benefits. Having compassion for yourself means that you are making the conscious decision to create conditions that allow you to…
Rapper Ludacris and His Daughter Produce Animated Netflix Series for Young Black Girls
Chris “Ludacris” Bridges is creating a new animated series called Karma’s World motivated by his oldest daughter Karma Bridges. Karma’s World will be released on Netflix in November 2021. This…
The Importance of Black Mothers Breastfeeding
This webinar from Black Mamas Matter Alliance features numerous speakers discussing the importance of Black mothers breastfeeding their babies. The webinar displays how to uplift Black mothers in their journey…
RECAP: 5th Annual Red Hat Healthy Heart Luncheon & Symposium
The 5th Annual Rhonda D. Wright Red Hat Healthy Heart Luncheon & Symposium was held on Saturday, February 12. Despite COVID-19 and social distancing requirements, the event was filled with…
Couple Adopts 5-Year-Old Boy and Has the “Best Christmas Ever”
Exactly one year after Michaela and Dave Robbins began fostering Noah, they tell Pittsburgh’s KDKA that this was the “best Christmas ever.” The Robbins brought 5-year-old Noah into their home…