We invest in our employees and their development through the following ASCI University programs:
- Mark A. Cleveland Academy for Emerging Leaders provides trajectory-changing experiences to frontline staff through education, research, building strategic relations and opportunities to apply leadership skills.
- Supervisory Academy: Preparing Today’s Managers provides-trajectory changing experiences to supervisory staff through education, research, building strategic relations and opportunities to apply leadership skills.
- Professional Development Plans (PDPs) provide every staff member with the opportunity to develop professionally and grow in their jobs. The culture at ASCI encourages, supports and invests in its people; it is a part of who we are and what we are about!
- External Professional Development Credits (PDCs) encourages staff to continue strengthening and growing their knowledge and skills outside the office. Research demonstrates that this continual expansion of knowledge and skills correlates with the implementation of best practices.
We offer professional-growth opportunities to all new staff in structured, classroom-style training, which is very thorough, as well as on-the-job training and shadowing.