ASCI’s Webinar Series: Ending Hidden Foster Care
A Second Chance, Inc. (ASCI) and Think of Us are proud to invite you to an important and timely webinar on Monday, February 26th, 2025, at 1:00 P.M. ET. This…
ASCI Launches New Office in New Hampshire
ASCI is excited to announce the launch of its newest office in Concord, New Hampshire! After identifying the great need for more support for kinship families, the state of New…
The Reaffirmation of ICWA: Reaffirming Native Cultural Identities and Family Structure
During November, we celebrate National American Indian Heritage Month by respecting the distinctive and divergent histories of American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN). While we celebrate their rich histories, we…
How to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect
It is completely possible to prevent child abuse and neglect! Child abuse and neglect are dire problems that have longterm impacts on the health, opportunity and well-being of children. All…
Protecting ICWA Protects Kinship: SCOTUS Hears Oral Arguments in Brackeen v. Haaland
Kinship stretches far beyond blood relation. This same belief is shared by American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribal communities, and why the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) is…
PA Family Support Alliance Open Disclosure Sessions for July 2022
PFSA continues to offer virtual Mandated Reporter Training at no cost to mandated reporters in Pennsylvania. This three-hour virtual training is approved by the Departments of Human Services, Education, and…
Perfectly Imperfect: How Imprecise Definitions of Child Neglect and Poverty Reinforce Anti-Black Racism in the Child Welfare System
Sharon L. McDaniel, Sherri Simmons-Horton, Ervin Dyer, Yven Destin, Kathleen L. Gima, Anthony R. Sosso, Jr., Jay Kadash, Med, MA, James T. Freeman, James A. Stratford, Constance Iannetta, Katherine Buckley…
From Hurting to Healing: The power of centering lived experience to transform child welfare
The 33rd Annual New York State Foster Care and Adoption Conference themed, “Hurting, Hoping, Helping, Healing” examined the deeply rooted issues in child welfare, adoption, foster and kinship care to…
What You Need to Know About the 2022 Pennsylvania Primary Election
Pennsylvania’s primary election is Tuesday, May 17. The state’s U.S. Senate race will have a direct impact on the national stage, and the governor’s race will determine the balance of…
ASCI Releases New Impact Report
Throughout 2021, we continued to see how the impacts of COVID-19 widened the gaps between the needs of families and the resources and services available to them. As such, ASCI…