A Father’s Guide to National Men’s Health Month
Men’s health encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being, yet it’s often overshadowed by societal expectations of strength and resilience. In the realm of child welfare, fathers play a vital role…
The Reaffirmation of ICWA: Reaffirming Native Cultural Identities and Family Structure
During November, we celebrate National American Indian Heritage Month by respecting the distinctive and divergent histories of American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN). While we celebrate their rich histories, we…
ASCI Presents: A Lived Experience Story ft. Victoria Giddens
Each month, A Second Chance, Inc. shares the voices of our kinship families through Q&A-style discussions. We are an agency that strives to provide a safe, secure, and nurturing environment to children…
What You Should Know About the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) is a new law that requires covered employers to provide “reasonable accommodations” to a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions unless the accommodation will…
How to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect
It is completely possible to prevent child abuse and neglect! Child abuse and neglect are dire problems that have longterm impacts on the health, opportunity and well-being of children. All…
A Discussion on Mentoring and Financial Wellness for Youth Aging Out of the System
Mentorship can play a critical role in preparing transition-age youth for adulthood. According to the University of Chicago’s Chapin Center, by age 26, 36% of young people who ‘aged out’ of foster…
A Message from ASCI’s President and CEO for National Kinship Care Month
Each September, the nation pauses to celebrate the tireless commitment kinship caregivers provide throughout the year. Their unwavering support for family is often overshadowed by the local or national news,…
National Baby Safety Month: Recommendations for Kinship Caregivers on Baby Safety Kelly Starver, Ph.D. Nursing
The month of September recognizes baby safety and kinship care as national designations. For many kinship caregivers, having a baby in the house or caring for a baby may be a completely new experience. …
Suffering in Silence: Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis Further Exposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic | Q&A with Dr. Jacqueline Wilson
Dr. Jacqueline Wilson CEO, TRAC Services for Families Less than 25%. While mental health issues do not discriminate based on race, color, gender, or identity, the understanding of mental health…
Educating Ourselves to Educate Our Children on the Importance of Juneteenth
A Message on Juneteenth from Dr. Sharon L. McDaniel The symbolism of the federal Juneteenth holiday is strong. It calls out the profound contribution of enslaved Black Americans and their…