Innovating Kinship Care Practice During COVID-19: One Year Later
When COVID-19 reached the pandemic level last year, many children and families found themselves having to create a “new normal.” This has included a shift from physical social interactions to more virtual interactions. As such, child welfare practitioners have had to navigate various challenges to create strategic ways to ensure families can maintain a sense of connectedness to one another, while maintaining their supportive services.
At ASCI, the opportunity to pivot in order to best meet our families’ needs came naturally to our staff, as developing innovative practices has displayed the dedication we have to ensuring families thrive. Both leadership and frontline staff continue to witness families’ resilience amid this continuing global crisis and work to provide them the best possible means to stay connected—many of which will continue post-COVID.
To learn more about some of the changes we’ve implemented, we asked agency leaders the following questions:
- What are some examples of innovative practices or policies ASCI has instituted as a means to interact with children and families despite COVID-19 restrictions?
- Have you found any of these innovations to be important to use post-COVID?
- In what ways have you seen families remain resilient during this time?
- In what ways have you seen caseworkers/frontline staff remain resilient?
- What lessons have you learned as a leader in child welfare during COVID that you will use moving forward?
See what they had to say!