Financial Literacy Tips to Keep in Mind
In honor of Financial Literacy Month, please view these 10 tips provided by Great Lakes Investment Management. Tip #1: Set up autopay for recurring bills Stop wasting your hard-earned money…
Ways to Celebrate Irish-American Heritage Month
America notoriously celebrates St. Patrick’s Day even bigger than any other country! Here are some options to celebrate Irish-American heritage month with your family. 1. Relax and Watch a Movie…
#SocialWorkSuperhero Domonik Daniels
ASCI: What challenges and benefits have you experienced as a child welfare caseworker? Domonik Daniels: As a child welfare caseworker, I have experienced quite a few challenges. This work is…
Free and Affordable Summer Camps in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
Although it’s only March, many parents are already searching for great summer camps! So we’re excited to bring you this year’s guide for summer camps in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia that…
#SocialWorkSuperhero Victoria Lynch
ASCI: What challenges and benefits have you experienced as a child welfare caseworker? Victoria Lynch: One challenge that I have seen is that everyone working in the child welfare realm…
#SocialWorkSuperhero Tiffany Byrd
ASCI: What challenges and benefits have you experienced as a child welfare caseworker? Tiffany Byrd: As a child welfare caseworker, I experienced challenges around not understanding the “why?” behind decisions…
Victory for Pennsylvania’s Students: What it Means
Recently, Commonwealth Court Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer issued a landmark decision recognizing that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is inadequate, inequitable, and unconstitutional. She ordered the governor and legislature to come…
A Discussion on Mentoring and Financial Wellness for Youth Aging Out of the System
Mentorship can play a critical role in preparing transition-age youth for adulthood. According to the University of Chicago’s Chapin Center, by age 26, 36% of young people who ‘aged out’ of foster…
ASCI Presents: A Lived Experience Story ft. Jaslyn Cuff
Each month A Second Chance, Inc. tries to share the voices of our kinship families through Q&A style discussions. We are an agency that strives to provide a safe, secure, and nurturing…