
Important Lessons to Learn from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Although Martin Luther King, Jr. Day has passed, it is imperative to know and understand that his message is central to everyone at any given time. Throughout the course of his fight, he has given the community several golden rules to live by. Below are ways we can teach our children several important lessons. Let’s honor Martin Luther King, Jr. by sharing these lessons and implementing them into our lives.

1. Dare to dream.

It doesn’t matter who you are or how big your dreams are, your dreams are valid. Teaching youth to dream big and work hard is such a powerful lesson. No matter how big or small, let’s continue to teach youth to believe in themselves in order to make those dreams come true.

2. Love others.

Martin Luther King Jr. believed in the power of love. He taught us to love others and not hate because love always wins in the end. He believed that hating people is stooping low and that no one should ever fall prey to hate. Because when you return hate for hate, no one wins.

3. Don’t judge others by their appearance.

Everyone may look different in appearance, but the character of individuals is what matters most. Just because someone looks different from you on the outside doesn’t mean we should treat them differently.

4. Push on and persevere.

MLK believed in his mission. If you are going through challenging moments, don’t quit. Today’s youth must learn that goals can be difficult to reach,but do not give up at the initial indication of hardship. The most promising goals are often the most formidable to strive for.

5. Serve others.

This is one of the greatest lessons from MLK. Martin Luther King Jr. exemplified a life of service. He believed serving others is the epitome of greatness. Youth who learn how to share, be kind, and be selfless can make their lives (and the lives of others) more pleasing.

6. Forgive

Forgiving others can be difficult, but we should never allow hatred to develop in our hearts. Preventing hatred starts by learning to forgive quickly. Learn to talk to children about forgiveness and how it releases pain for themselves more than it does the other person.

7. Stand up for what is right.

His stance on justice was obvious, which meant speaking up in a silent room. If youth see someone being bullied, encourage them to stand up for those who are being bullied and do what is right, even if it goes against the grain.

8. All things are possible.

For Martin Luther King, Jr., “impossible” was not an acceptable word. He dreamed of a future of equality and equity. Whatever your child’s dreams are, they are possible. Work hard, never give up, be kind to others, and follow our purpose. They shall succeed!

Thank you, Martin Luther King Jr, for inspiring, teaching, and guiding this nation. Thank you for the opportunities you’ve given millions and millions of people and the hope you’ve instilled for a brighter future.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of A Second Chance, Inc.

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