National Adoption Day 2022: Chance’s Second Chance Leads to Adoption
On November 19, 2022, ASCI celebrated National Adoption Day with kinship adoptive families in both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Like every year, this was one to remember with Disney and Marvel characters, and overwhelming tears of joy for such a meaningful and impactful day for each family.
ASCI had the pleasure of speaking with former kinship caregivers (now adoptive parents) Jamie and Diana about how excited they are that the time has finally come. Diana shares that she knew he would become part of their family the moment she met him explaining, “You know that feeling you get when you hold your baby for the first time and you just know it’s yours?”
Jamie also shares, “as soon as [Diana] met him she fell in love. She and her, two girls have been a godsend. They’ve taught him so much.”
“That was my baby. The second I met him and he hugged me. I just knew.”
Foster Parent, Diana.

(Photo posted with permission)
Chance has truly impacted this family for the better. Jamie shares that Chance gave him the opportunity to be a dad, “Honestly, he gave me the chance to be a dad, which I thought would never be possible. Not only that, but it’s a bonus that he resembles me because my biggest fear going into my transition was not being able to carry on my genes. Jamie continues, “So I was very blessed to be able to take him in and he’s taught me a lot. He’s definitely shown me that I’m more capable than I’ve ever thought.”
“I know a lot of parents say that there’s something about him but like, there’s literally something about him. I mean, when I go pick him up from school, all the teachers talk about how much they love him, how much they adore him, and how he’s always giving them hugs. He gives off a contagious energy.”
Foster Parent, Jamie.
The family credits ASCI caseworker Rachel Austin and CYF caseworker Keyondra for helping them create a forever home for Chance. “If I continue to talk to anybody after this adoption, it’s Rachel and Keyondra. Because Rachel has been our ride-or-die, our saving grace, even when we didn’t have a case worker, she was there. She always answers when I call, that’s my girl. We’ve almost grown a new family member,” Jamie explains.
“…and Keyondra shes the GOAT (Greatest of All Time).”
“I love how happy all his people are. Like when I called Alexis today, his Kids’ Voice attorney, she was so excited. We couldn’t have done it without them. I appreciate them so much and I’m so grateful that we had who we had because [the experience] was just perfect.”
Foster parent, Jamie

(Photo posted with permission)
We wish Chance and his family the best, and congratulate every ASCI child and family – and children across the nation – who celebrated National Adoption Day 2022, on their forever homes!