
A Message from ASCI’s President and CEO for National Kinship Care Month

Each September, the nation pauses to celebrate the tireless commitment kinship caregivers provide throughout the year.

Their unwavering support for family is often overshadowed by the local or national news, or simply the everyday needs of their kinship family members. However, this month, kinship caregivers are the news and we celebrate all that they do.

In fact:

  • Because of kinship caregivers, over 40,000 children serviced by ASCI had the opportunity to be safe and thrive in the care of their own families or family networks. 

  • Because of kinship caregivers, over 90% of youth serviced by ASCI reach some form of permanency at rates higher than the national average.

  • Because of kinship caregivers and their voice, we have created programs and services for the kinship triad that are meaningful and relevant to both the formal and informal kinship caregivers.

  • Because of kinship caregivers, during the difficult time of early COVID-19, every child remained safe and kinship caregivers met their every need.

  • Because of kinship caregivers, and all that they do for your kin, we are honored to stand in partnership with them, as the experts, to assist in facilitating their movement through the child welfare and other systems. 

Kinship caregivers are the glue that holds family together. Sometimes, the adhesive can weaken, but it is our collective responsibility to ensure that we are sticking together and reinforcing the adhesive that “binds the ties” of kinship care. 

May kinship caregivers everywhere have a wonderful month, as we celebrate them, knowing that they are a part of a family that cares so deeply and genuinely for all that they do for their kin.

Happy Kinship Caregiver Month!

With profound admiration,

Dr. Sharon McDaniel 

President and CEO, A Second Chance, Inc.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of A Second Chance, Inc.

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